South West Business Park, Ireland
Another South West Business Park warehouse provided with daylight, fire safety, and natural ventilation. DELTA double flap smoke vents professionally installed in Dublin by the Smoke Management Systems team, job well done.
Renovation Project, Germany
Managed! Again a major renovation was completed. Energy saving through natural daylight and on top of that fresh air ventilation. Fire protection, safety and environmental protection by ATTRIA GmbH in Germany.
TESTA Kids Event 2022
In celebration of International Children's Day, June 1st, last Saturday we celebrated our TESTA Kids in the most wonderful way. We truly believe that all these children, and those who were unable to attend, are an extension of us as a Group and their happiness is one of our priorities. Everywhere children must have the right to be children, to be protected, and to live in peace. To all, Happy Children's Day!
TESTA Team Building Event 2022
After 2 years, we had the pleasure of finally holding our annual Team Building event last Saturday, surrounded by the natural landscape of Barragem da Aguieira, Portugal. For us at the Group, this is a key event for all teams, from all our companies, to come together and reconnect during a day filled with team-building activities and lots of fun.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
SHEVS & Daylight systems - BIMobject
We are excited to share that our SHEVS & Daylight product solutions are now available in downloadable 3D models on the BIMobject platform. Adding our products to this digital content platform will give our clients the opportunity to find all the information they need at the early stage of their projects thus saving time and resources.
Happy Easter
We wish you all a Happy Easter and a peaceful holiday!
Softex S.A., Athens
Softex S.A. is a Greek paper towel company, headquartered in Athens. It manufactures paper towels and napkins. Softex suffered a fire in August 1994 that destroyed its machines, building and shipping center. This new plant is provided with smoke vents, smoke detection and sprinklers. Last week TRIA commissioned 51 no. thermally separated CE certified smoke hatches controlled by 5 no. JOFO control panels. Great cooperation with our Greek partner, the contractor and the electricians.
Hoge Wal shopping center, Netherlands
A beautiful renovation carried out by Klimakon, our partner in the Netherlands. The existing malfunctioning and leaking openings have been replaced by certified VENTRA louvres. De Hoge Wal shopping center in Rijssen is safe again in the event of smoke development due to fire and fresh air is guaranteed again by means of daily natural ventilation.
International Women's Day 2022
On this International Women's Day, we pay tribute to all women who fought/fight not only for their rights but for their lives around the world. At the Group, we believe that diversity is a valuable resource and that careers, as well as opportunities, have no gender. We are fully committed to gender equality and the development of talented women at all levels, supporting them with initiatives to reach their full potential.
Profi Rom Food Timisoara, Romania
A renovation project at Profi Rom Food Timisoara well executed by our partner Achro Art Industrie SRL in Romania. Tria DELTA smoke ventilator EN12101-2 certified.
Project in Italy
Ambient shot of VENTRA F Sterling insulated glass louver system perfectly integrated in a translucent facade system thanks to the custom made flange and the skilled fitters, of course.
TWENCE waste plant, Netherlands
From waste to raw materials and energy! TRIA partner Klimakon replacing written off louvered vents for DELTA-S double flap vents at Twence waste plant, Hengelo Netherlands. Now that´s a lot of fresh air and (fire) safety.
OBI Bautzen - Hardware Store, Germany
Professionally realized by our partner VELUX Commercial Berlin, this renovation project: louvered smoke vents with curved base for OBI Bautzen Hardware Store.
Warehouse, Poland
Our VENTRA F Sterlings louvered vents with additional sealing for insulation and light density were the chosen solution for this project, perfectly installed by our partner ALUCO on the façade of a warehouse near Lodz, Poland.
Karwei DIY store, The Netherlands
Short break for the KLIMAKON engineers, job almost done. VENTRA vents for daylight, smoke exhaust and day-to-day ventilation on the roof, VENTRA-F air supply louvers in the facade and a 40 meters long automatic BACHSMOKE curtain inside this Karwei DIY store in Breda, The Netherlands.
Work in progress, JMC Warehouse, Dublin
Work in full progress. Smoke Management Systems staff installing TRIA smoke curtains + 60 no. TRIA DELTA smoke vents and control systems for JMC Warehouse Dublin. Keep up the good work friends.